This film tells the story of an Afro-Mexican woman’s journey to discover her racial identity through music and dance. A powerful story of self-discovery, the film follows Franchesca, who grew up in L.A. and was immersed in a Mexican culture that forced her to question her racial
identity. This poetic film explores ethnicity and gender through West African and Afro-Mexican
practices in music, song, and dance.
Sentir el Son
Sentir el Son is a film inspired by the social and political climate of the times. The film aims at creating social awareness about the effects of [in]visible identities in Latino/Latinx cultures. The term, Visible Identity, is used by Linda Martín Alcoff in her book Visible Identities: Race, Gender, and the Self (Studies in Feminist Philosophy). Sentir el Son is a film project intended to disseminate the importance of ethnic and gender visibility toward racial equality.
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Your contribution will be allocated to both film festival submissions and the educational curriculum development. The educational curriculum aims at creating social awareness about visible identities a step forward toward racial equality.